Service maintenance




  • Tolerance to connectivity issues: When running in watch mode, losing connection to RabbitMQ can make the indexer to stale indefinitely. To recover, the container running the indexer has to be manually restarted. See the ticket SEARCH-678 for follow-up on improving tolerance.
  • Maintenance mode: It doesn’t exist. To perform maintenance operations, it requires switching to another instance of RabbitMQ to prevent any data loss, even for a short period of time.
  • Data importance: The RabbitMQ instance is conveying notification messages about changes that must be made to the search indexes. If any message is lost, all search indexes would have to be rebuilt, which currently takes hours and implies a downtime for searches. See the ticket SEARCH-674 for follow-up on rebuilding with zero-downtime.
  • Data persistence: Messages are expected to be processed within seconds (or minutes during activity peaks), so there is no need for persistent volumes. Losing these messages isn’t critical either as search indexes can be rebuilt in hours, so there is no need for backups either.


  • Start service:

    See AMQP Setup

  • Reload service configuration:


    • Check the indexer logs to ensure that it did not stale and that it continues to process new messages.
  • Stop service:


    • Uninstall search triggers
    • Stop the live indexer

    It implies that search indexes will be outdated for good. Updating search indexes requires to rebuild these and takes hours of downtime.

  • Restart service:

    It implies that search indexes will be likely missing some updates. Updating search indexes requires to rebuild these and takes hours of downtime.

  • Move service:

    • Create vhost, user, permissions, queues in the new instance
    • Declare exchanges and queues as described in AMQP Setup
    • Update broker in PostgreSQL to point to the new instance
    • Once the queues in the old instance are empty, switch the live indexer to the new instance

    Neiher data loss nor downtime will occur.

  • Remove service:


    • Uninstall search triggers
    • Stop the live indexer

    It implies that search indexes will be outdated for good. Updating search indexes requires to rebuild these and takes hours of downtime.

Implementation details

  • Connectivity issues are reported through both Docker logs and Sentry.
  • Producer and consumer are separate as follows:
    • Producer is pg_amqp used by triggers in Postgres database.
      • ack mode: transactional
      • heartbeat timeout: (not using 0.8 version)
      • message protocol version: 0.8
    • Consumer is sir running in watch mode for live indexing.
      • ack mode: basic/manual
      • heartbeat timeout: (not configured/server’s default)
      • message protocol version: 0.9.1
  • There are known issues related to queues declaration; See AMQP Setup
  • Connections are not named properly (just using proxy interface IP and port)