Source code for sir.trigger_generation

# Copyright (c) Wieland Hoffmann
# License: MIT, see LICENSE for details
from sir.schema import SCHEMA, generate_update_map
from sir.trigger_generation.paths import unique_split_paths, last_model_in_path
from sir.trigger_generation import sql_generator
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
import collections

column_map = generate_update_map()[1]

[docs]def generate_func(args): """ This is the entry point for this trigger_generation module. This function gets called from :func:`~sir.__main__.main`. """ generate( trigger_filename=args["trigger_file"], function_filename=args["function_file"], broker_id=args["broker_id"], )
[docs]def generate(trigger_filename, function_filename, broker_id): """Generates SQL queries that create and remove triggers for the MusicBrainz database. Generation works in the following way: 1. Determine which tables need to have triggers on them: * Entity tables themselves * Tables in every path of entity's fields 2. Generate triggers (for inserts, updates, and deletions) for each table (model in mbdata): 2.1. Get a list of PKs 2.2. Write triggers that would send messages into appropriate RabbitMQ queues ("search.index" queue for INSERT and UPDATE queries, "search.delete" for DELETE queries): <table name>, PKs{<PK row name>, <PK value>} 3. Write generated triggers into SQL scripts to be run on the MusicBrainz database Since table might have multiple primary keys, we need to explicitly specify their row names and values. """ with open(trigger_filename, "w") as triggerfile, \ open(function_filename, "w") as functionfile: write_header(triggerfile) write_header(functionfile) for table_name, table_info in get_trigger_tables().items(): write_triggers( trigger_file=triggerfile, function_file=functionfile, model=table_info["model"], is_direct=table_info["is_direct"], has_gid=table_info.get('has_gid', False), broker_id=broker_id, ) write_footer(triggerfile) write_footer(functionfile)
[docs]def get_trigger_tables(): """Determines which tables need to have triggers set on them. Returns a dictionary of table names (key) with a dictionary (value) that provides additional information about a table: * list of primary keys for each table. * whether it's an entity table """ tables = collections.OrderedDict() # mapping of table names to their models and their "kind" (direct or not) for _, entity in SCHEMA.items(): # Entity table itself mapped_class = class_mapper(entity.model) tables[] = { "model": entity.model, "is_direct": True, "has_gid": mapped_class.has_property('gid'), } # Tables that contain the referenced column # TODO(roman): maybe come up with a better description above for path in unique_split_paths([path for field in entity.fields for path in field.paths if field.trigger]): model = last_model_in_path(entity.model, path) if model is not None: table_name = class_mapper(model) if table_name not in tables: tables[table_name] = { "model": model, "is_direct": False, } return tables
[docs]def write_triggers(trigger_file, function_file, model, is_direct, has_gid, **generator_args): """ :param str file trigger_file: File where triggers will be written. :param str file function_file: File where functions will be written. :param model: A :ref:`declarative <sqla:declarative_toplevel>` class. :param bool is_direct: Whether this is an entity table or not. """ # Mapper defines correlation of model class attributes to database table columns mapper = class_mapper(model) table_name = fk_columns = [list(r.local_columns)[0].name for r in mapper.relationships if == 'MANYTOONE'] if is_direct: if has_gid: delete_trigger_generator = sql_generator.GIDDeleteTriggerGenerator else: delete_trigger_generator = sql_generator.DeleteTriggerGenerator else: delete_trigger_generator = sql_generator.ReferencedDeleteTriggerGenerator update_columns = None if table_name in column_map: update_columns = column_map[table_name] write_triggers_to_file( trigger_file=trigger_file, function_file=function_file, generators=[ sql_generator.InsertTriggerGenerator, sql_generator.UpdateTriggerGenerator, delete_trigger_generator, ], table_name=table_name, pk_columns=[ for pk in mapper.primary_key], fk_columns=fk_columns, update_columns=update_columns, **generator_args )
[docs]def write_triggers_to_file(generators, trigger_file, function_file, **generator_args): """Write SQL for creation of triggers (for deletion, insertion, and updates) and associated functions into files. :param list generators: A set of generator classes (based on``TriggerGenerator``) to use for creating SQL statements. :param file trigger_file: File into which commands for creating triggers will be written. :param file function_file: File into which commands for creating trigger functions will be written. """ for gen in generators: gen_obj = gen(**generator_args) function_file.write(gen_obj.function()) trigger_file.write(gen_obj.trigger())
[docs]def write_header(f): """Write an SQL "header" into a file. Adds a note about editing, sets command line options, and begins a transaction. Should be written at the beginning of each SQL script. :param file f: File to write the header into. """ f.write("-- Automatically generated, do not edit!\n") f.write("\set ON_ERROR_STOP 1\n") f.write("BEGIN;\n\n")