Source code for sir.trigger_generation.sql_generator

# Copyright (c) Wieland Hoffmann
# License: MIT, see LICENSE for details
import textwrap


[docs]class TriggerGenerator(object): """ Base generator class for triggers and corresponding function that would go into the MusicBrainz database. """ #: The operation (`INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE`) op = None # See # Either `OLD` or `NEW` depending on the operation. record_variable = None #: Whether to execute the trigger BEFORE or AFTER :attr:`op`. Typically # BEFORE is used for SELECT and UPDATE queries, AFTER for DELETE queries. before_or_after = "AFTER" # The routing key to be used for the message sent via AMQP # (`update`, `delete`, or `index`) routing_key = None def __init__(self, table_name, pk_columns, fk_columns, broker_id=1, **kwargs): """ :param str table_name: The table on which to generate the trigger. :param pk_columns: List of primary key column names for a table that this trigger is being generated for. :param int broker_id: ID of the AMQP broker row in a database. """ self.table_name = table_name self.reference_columns = list(set(pk_columns + fk_columns)) self.fk_columns = fk_columns self.reference_columns.sort() self.broker_id = broker_id
[docs] def trigger(self): """ The ``CREATE TRIGGER`` statement for this trigger. :rtype: str """ return textwrap.dedent("""\ CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} {before_or_after} {op} ON {schema}.{table_name} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE {trigger_name}();\n """).format( trigger_name=self.trigger_name, schema="musicbrainz", table_name=self.table_name, op=self.op.upper(), before_or_after=self.before_or_after.upper(), )
[docs] def function(self): """ The ``CREATE FUNCTION`` statement for this trigger. We use to publish messages to an AMQP broker. :rtype: str """ return textwrap.dedent("""\ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {trigger_name}() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM amqp.publish({broker_id}, 'search', '{routing_key}', ({message})); RETURN {return_value}; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;\n """).format( trigger_name=self.trigger_name, broker_id=self.broker_id, routing_key=self.routing_key, message=self.message, return_value=self.record_variable, )
@property def trigger_name(self): """ The name of this trigger and its function. :rtype: str """ return ("search_" + self.table_name + "_" + self.op).lower() @property def selection(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def message(self): return """ WITH keys({column_keys}) AS ({select}) SELECT jsonb_set(jsonb_set(to_jsonb(keys), '{{{table_name_key}}}', '"{table_name}"'), '{{{operation_type}}}', '"{operation}"')::text FROM keys """.format( table_name=self.table_name, column_keys=", ".join(self.reference_columns), select=self.selection, table_name_key=MSG_JSON_TABLE_NAME_KEY, # Assuming that no PK columns have the same name operation_type=MSG_JSON_OPERATION_TYPE, operation=self.op )
[docs]class InsertTriggerGenerator(TriggerGenerator): """ A trigger generator for INSERT operations. """ op = "insert" record_variable = "NEW" before_or_after = "AFTER" routing_key = "index" @property def selection(self): return "SELECT {columns}".format( columns=", ".join(["{rec}.{col}".format(col=c, rec=self.record_variable) for c in self.reference_columns]), )
[docs]class UpdateTriggerGenerator(TriggerGenerator): """ A trigger generator for UPDATE operations. """ op = "update" record_variable = "NEW" before_or_after = "AFTER" routing_key = "update" def __init__(self, **gen_args): super(UpdateTriggerGenerator, self).__init__(**gen_args) self.update_columns = gen_args.get("update_columns", None) @property def selection(self): return "SELECT {columns}".format( columns=", ".join(["{rec}.{col}".format(col=c, rec=self.record_variable) for c in self.reference_columns]), )
[docs] def trigger(self): """ The ``CREATE TRIGGER`` statement for this trigger. :rtype: str """ operation = 'UPDATE' # Consider FK columns in update triggers to make sure triggers are fired # in case any FK of related tables are changed if self.update_columns: all_columns = set(self.fk_columns + list(self.update_columns)) operation = "UPDATE OF %s" % ", ".join(sorted(all_columns)) return textwrap.dedent("""\ CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} {before_or_after} {op} ON {schema}.{table_name} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE {trigger_name}();\n """).format( trigger_name=self.trigger_name, schema="musicbrainz", table_name=self.table_name, op=operation, before_or_after=self.before_or_after.upper(), )
[docs]class DeleteTriggerGenerator(TriggerGenerator): """ A trigger generator for DELETE operations. """ op = "delete" record_variable = "OLD" before_or_after = "BEFORE" routing_key = "delete" @property def selection(self): return "SELECT {columns}".format( columns=", ".join(["{rec}.{col}".format(col=c, rec=self.record_variable) for c in self.reference_columns]), )
[docs]class GIDDeleteTriggerGenerator(DeleteTriggerGenerator): """ This trigger generator produces DELETE statements that selects just `gid` row and ignores primary keys. It should be used for entity tables themselves (in "direct" triggers) for tables like "artist", "release_group", "recording", and the rest. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GIDDeleteTriggerGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.reference_columns += ["gid"]
[docs]class ReferencedDeleteTriggerGenerator(DeleteTriggerGenerator): """ A trigger generator for DELETE operations for tables which are referenced in `SearchEntity` tables. Delete operations in such tables cause the main `SearchEntity` tables to be updated. """ routing_key = "update"